
VAK Instruction

Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning

Learn Thai massage in different ways

The VAK learning model divides people into three categories of learners: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.

Our courses incorporate activities that facilitate all three learning styles to help our students learn more effectively and with greater enjoyment.

Visual-Auditory-Kinaesthetic Instruction

Learn Effectively With Greater Enjoyment

Teaching Thai massage acupressure at Sirius Health Thai Massage School
Teaching Thai massage stretches at Sirius Health Thai Massage School

Learning design and materials development must appeal to various learning styles and preferences. Our school uses learning styles to inform instructional decisions that cater to learners’ preferences to impact individuals’ learning significantly.

We often implement the ‘Tell me, Show me, Let me do it’ model for teaching each preference. Begin by explaining the techniques. Next, we demonstrate how to perform the technique. Finally, allow learners to do the technique for themselves.

Visual Learners

Visual learners prefer to learn by watching and seeing. They remember what they have seen more than what they have heard. They prefer presentations, books and articles with images, diagrams and pictures that explain the content. Visual learners often doodle while listening to others to help them stay focused.

Workbooks contain all course content
Step-by-step instructions with colour pictures
Encourage frequent note-taking
A modern classroom without distracting stimuli

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners prefer to learn by listening to others. Talking to these students is the best way to convey information when giving instructions. Auditory learners love talking on the phone and prefer to learn in social settings. They excel in discussions, debates and questioning sessions.

Verbal demonstration of each technique
Regular group discussions of theory and lessons
The classroom has soft music in the background
Video lessons available online for review

Kinaesthetic Learners

Kinaesthetic or tactile learners prefer to learn by touching, fixing, moving and manipulating something during the learning process. They learn more efficiently and faster with hands-on tasks. In a classroom setting, passing an object around for students to touch, smell and feel will help kinaesthetic/tactile learners to remember more information. They are practical learners who often learn by doing, trial and error, building on existing knowledge (linking to similar projects, problems and issues) and investigating.

Emphasis is on practicing skills and not sitting in lectures
Students learn by mimicking the teacher’s demonstrations
Students both receive and give massages to each other
Each day begins with active mobility training
Member of Thai Healing Alliance International
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